Sky's The Limit currently has one night sky program a month on the Saturday nearest the new moon because that is when the sky is darkest and you can see the most stars and deep-sky objects. That’s when the telescopes are out for public viewing. Programs start about 1/2 hour after sunset and last about 2 hours. (See specific dates.)
Due to the overwhelming popularity of these programs and because of limited space to park vehicles on campus, STL must limit the number of vehicles and require advance reservations with a donation of $20 per vehicle.
In the event of cancellation – either by the ticket holder or due to circumstances beyond our control – the donation will be retained by STL. The donation is 100% tax deductible.
PLEASE NOTE RESERVATIONS ARE PER VEHICLE, NOT PER PERSON. Click here for your ticketed reservation:
PLEASE NOTE: Night Sky Programs are held outdoors, and desert weather is unpredictable. Sky's The Limit will make every effort to provide a meaningful event, but rain, high winds, and other inclement weather may make a program impossible. In the event of cancellation for any reason, an alternative date will be offered, but there are no refunds.
In addition to monthly Night Sky Programs, Sky's The Limit occasionally hosts special STAR PARTIES, giving guests the opportunity to look through the 14" Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope inside the Dome. Additional telescopes of various sizes and types will be arrayed outside the Dome as well. Guests can talk with the astronomer-docents as they observe the celestial objects in the sky that night.
January 25 Night Sky Program February 1 Telescopes only (3-day-old moon) February 22 Night Sky Program March 1 Telescopes only (2-day-old moon) March 29 Night Sky Program April 11-12 Full Moon Festival April 26 Night Sky Program May 24 Night Sky Program June 21 Night Sky Program July 26 Night Sky Program August 23 Night Sky Program September 20 Night Sky Program October 24-25 Night Sky Festival November 22 Night Sky Program December 20 Night Sky Program
Please explore our campus during the day; there’s plenty to see! The campus is always open for pedestrians even when the dome and restrooms are closed. We recommend the free app Sky View Lite, which has a red screen night setting and will show you the locations of constellations, planets, satellites, etc.
Also check with JTNP for any ranger-led programs, and take a look at for lodging, dining and other attractions. You might also see what Rancho Mirage Observatory is offering during your visit. There is USUALLY a docent on campus on Saturday morning, but because we are all volunteers, occasionally another commitment or personal issue might mean the docent is unavailable.
With very few exceptions the Campus is ALWAYS open to explore! (On occasion the Campus is reserved for a private or reservation-only event.) Please park in designated areas and walk in. QR codes posted around campus, when scanned with a smartphone, will take you to a text or audio explanation of what you are seeing.
However, all buildings - including restrooms - are closed except when docents are on campus. A docent is usually present on Saturday mornings to set up the solar scope for a safe view of the Sun and give tours of the Orrery (a true-to-scale and true-to-position model of the Solar System at a scale of 20 billion to 1).
There are no telescopes for public use except during public programs, but you are welcome to set up your own telescopes or cameras. Please confer with us at [email protected] if you are charging for an event on our campus.
NIGHT SKY PROGRAMS shown below are a few photos from past events
NIGHT SKY PROGRAMS are once a month on the Saturday Night nearest the new moon.
However, THE CAMPUS IS ALWAYS OPEN if you would like to bring your own equipment to observe or take photographs. Just be aware that there is no running water on campus, and the restrooms will be locked if no docent is present. Please park in designated areas and walk in.
A scheduled program may have to be delayed or rescheduled due to rain, strong winds, or other inclement weather. Docents will make every effort to provide an alternative program if telescope viewing is not possible. Check our Facebook Page @skysthelimit29 or follow @STL29Palms on Twitter to learn the latest status of an event.