Galaxy 72 Investors have been the historic supporters of Sky's The Limit from the very beginning...
Back in 2005, we started with an initial group of about 40 people. They became Galaxy 72 Investors, committed to supporting STL for 72 months at a given monthly amount. Most of them promised $10 a month, some of them even more...
Since 2005, Galaxy 72Investors have grown in number to 62, and many of the original investors have completed their initial commitment and have renewed for another 72 months - becoming "Super Novas!"
It is their consistent support over the last 12 years that has provided a steady income to allow slow and careful development of the STL campus and make possible the purchase of an additional 5 acres of land.
Now that the campus has the observatory dome, concrete paths and pads for telescopes, and permanent restrooms, educational programs can really take off! We hope you will consider signing up as a "Galaxy 72 Investor" to keep the momentum going.
Your commitment will be for 72 months, and you can pay monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually. Fill out the form and we will send you a bill, charge a credit card, setup via PayPal... whatever is most convenient for you.
Click the Button below to access the Donation Link.